Locking Arms 2019 Year In Review
The Lord has been very good to us this past year. We have seen maturing growth in each of the areas in our men’s ministry. There are three primary dimensions to our work and a fourth area of individualized...
The Lord has been very good to us this past year. We have seen maturing growth in each of the areas in our men’s ministry. There are three primary dimensions to our work and a fourth area of individualized...
Many people love the carols of the Christmas season. I sure do. Stu Hayes and his worship band with a brass quartet led us in some of the great ones at our Christmas Breakfast this week! The great words...
We had a powerful retreat with over 50 men from ages 16 to 70 at Jumonville Camp over the weekend. Our theme was: Living the Dream – Our Father’s Love Changes Everything. Our theme verse was 1 John 3:1...
Brothers & Sisters of Locking Arms, Thank you all for making our 2019 Locking Arms Marriage Celebration Dinner such a great blessing. We had 40 couples celebrating God’s gift in his marriage covenant to us with some great food,...
Over 50 men were blessed and challenged together this weekend at Ligonier Camp. The Spirit of God showed up in a big way through the worship by the Good Little Giants, the testimony and teaching of our speakers, and...
Brothers & Friends, I am writing you to express my thanks for your generosity in supporting Locking Arms over the past two years. December 1st marks our two year anniversary so it is with great thanksgiving and admiration we...
Kim Costanza and I along with our team (Pete, Angelo & David) had a blessed week in San Pedro with 85 boys from the Sugar Cane villages. Our Del Rey Pastors (See www.delreyministries.org) were with us serving as well,...
“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.” Matthew 6:24 NLT Marcellus Shale...
Brothers, Many of the authors and teachers (John Eldridge, Robert Lewis & Joe Ehrmann) we have drawn from over the years have affirmed that men’s hearts are made for compelling stories. Each of us have a life narrative that...
“I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.” The apostle Paul to Timothy (2 Timothy 4:7 NIV) When I was a defensive line coach at Geneva College we often finished football...