The following post is part of a series about the importance of Locking Arms as we journey together in life. You can see the original post here. Today’s post is from Board Member Jason Wolfe.
Enter Jason:
I have been in business for myself for over 20 years. I am a self-taught software developer and now a leader of a company with 100 employees. My journey with my faith has been considerably up and down over the years. And when it came to God in my business life, it was non-existent until about 7 years ago. All my early years in business, I felt embarrassed, maybe even pressured by society, to not bring up my faith at all at work. I see that perspective and I agree that thumping the bible at others at work is not called for, but I have come to see in recent years that there are important moments when I can express my faith in Christ as a natural part of who I am. God exists everywhere and He desires to be welcomed, even invited in our workplaces, even at companies like mine.
It wasn’t until I came back from a trip to Haiti that I decided to change my outlook here and lead with God in my life everywhere, and not keep him out of the company. To that end, I have openly told others of my beliefs and faith. I open events we have in prayer. I give thanks to God in almost every event where we gather. I have opened my door to hear from others and have had dozens of men and women open up to me. As a CEO, I realize that my position may be different than yours but I would bet we share many of the same challenges to integrating our faith at work. Many have been encouraged by my boldness to talk about their faith over the years. I have had more people open up to me than I would otherwise. This verse from Peter is a good guide for us as Christians in the workplace:
“In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…” 1 Peter 3:15
God uses us as tools. He gives us talents to use in the workplace and we cannot be ashamed of Him there. We should not bury the most important fact about our real identity as “sons” of God or God’s purpose for us.
Jason Wolfe