“But if the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesn’t sound the alarm to warn the people, he is responsible for their captivity. They will die in their sins, but I will hold the watchman responsible for their deaths.” Ezekiel 33:6 New Living Translation
Being a man of God has always been a counter-cultural journey of exposing lies and revealing the truth. Ezekiel was an exile in Babylon under King Nebuchadnezzar around 600 B.C. There he received his calling to be a prophet and priest to Israel in their captivity. He understood what a counter-cultural mission was all about. A watchman stood on the wall of the city day and night, relieved as needed, but in times of conflict he could go days on the wall. He was the first to see a messenger approaching or an approaching army. His discernment and decisive judgment were crucial to the people’s survival. Ezekiel’s primary calling was to be a spiritual watchman for Israel during their exile and the time of the destruction of Jerusalem. The events of his life were a mirror to the message he would bring to Israel. The Lord defined his role for him.
“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.” Ezekiel 3:17 ESV
We live in a time like Ezekiel where men of God are critically needed to be watchmen for our families, our churches, our brothers, and our nation. We are the most “addicted culture” on the face of the earth. We are being called to sound the alarm over the temptation and imprisonment of addiction in all its forms. In the New Living Translation of Ezekiel 33:6 the watchman is responsible for the captivity of the people if he doesn’t sound the alarm. The enemy conquers and enslaves. Sin always enslaves. It always takes us further than we wanted to go. Consider sexual sin. Addiction to pornography, strip clubs and other sexual sins like adultery claim countless men’s careers, families, and ministries. Exposing cultural lies like: feeding our sexual appetites is natural, being true to our heart is the truth, and pornography as a victimless escape is the watchman’s role. So too is declaring the truth of God’s word to repent and surrender our sexuality to the Lordship of Christ. There we will experience his care if we give Him full permission. He will flood our lives with forgiveness, restoration, and healing. “Truth is a person not a concept. Jesus said he was the truth (John 14:6). That means you can never know the truth of your circumstances unless you have first heard from Jesus.” Henry T. Blackaby
You will never know the “truth” about your sexuality, your marriage, or your heart until you have first heard from Jesus. The watchman must be the herald trumpeting the warning, speaking Jesus words that expose the lies and declare the truth. If the watchman is silent, the blood of the people is on his hands.
“Father raise up watchmen who will be like Ezekiel, exposing lies and declaring the truth. May the grace and mercy of Christ in the cross always accompany our proclamation of the truth. Create a watchman’s heart and a watchman’s discernment in me Lord by your Holy Spirit so that I may sound the alarm and bring back those wandering from the truth.”
Leo Wisniewksi
Director Locking Arms Men