Brothers & Friends,
On behalf of our Board, I want to thank all of our corporate sponsors, captains and individual players who made our 2nd Annual Locking Arms Golf outing a great success. They stepped up big time to assist us in our most successful fundraising event in terms of participation with over 100 golfers and net proceeds. We have gotten very positive feedback from the players on the course, food, cigars, program and the fellowship. Thanks to Dario Donatelli for his unseen work as well as our volunteers at the outing: Sean McGowan, Erin King, Mary Kay Adams, Cindy Wisniewski, and Sarah Silko.
*Please mark August 25, 2017 on your calendar for our golf outing next year.
We want to recognize all of our sponsors and thank them individually!
Corporate Sponsors
Gold Sponsorship: Jason & Morris Wolfe Family Foundation
Co-Title Sponsor & Hole In One (Malibu): Colussy Chevrolet, Tim Colussy
Co-Title Sponsor: OnDemand Energy Solutions, John Bodine & John Zbihley
Lunch Sponsor: Federated Investors Foundation, J. Christopher Donahue
Hole In One Sponsor (Rolex): Henne Jewelers, John Henne
Breakfast Sponsor: Dario Donatelli
Team Sponsors
Jon Perry, Team & Beverage Carts Sponsor: Rosen Louick & Perry, PC
Chris Mazza: S.T.O.P. Restoration
Colvin McCrady: Simpson & McCrady
Al Silko: Silko & Associates, PC
Rich Weber: Penn Energy Resources
Ken Rindt: AEC Group
Stu Hayes:EMC
Ted Hervol: CDW
Eric Gregory: CFP® I Senior Vice President – Financial Advisor I RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC
Foursome Captains
Kevin Bode
Jim Brown
John Carey
Phil Hetzel
Joe Goldcamp
Nick & Vince Consoli
Howard Simons
Bob Gilbert
Bill Krahe
Ted Blendermann
William Bodnar
Tom Kendrick
Erik Taylor
Tee Sponsors
Eric McMahon: Integrity Financial Advisors, LLC
Gran Franjione: Franjione Family Foundation
Greg Davis: Pine Springs Camp
Phil Scisciani: Specialty Coatings and Consulting, Inc.
Rich Green: Compass Christian Church Men’s Ministry
George Adams: Schneider Downs and Co., Inc.
Phil Hetzel: Federated Investors Inc.
Jay Simon: The Simon Group of Hefren Tillotson, Inc.
Bill Stern: Covenant Church of Pittsburgh-Men’s Ministry
John Cullen: John Cullen & Associates, Architect
John McCullough: Sterling Distributions
Bill Krahe: Grandview Development Company
The net proceeds from our outing will be used to meet our monthly payroll which includes a portion (Over 10% of our overall budget) to support Del Rey Ministries and the Bridge Mentoring program in Wilkinsburg.
Thanks for your partnership with us in the gospel!