The Mission
As we come up on the 3rd anniversary of our inception with Locking Arms Men we are seeing the fulfillment of our mission in powerful ways… “Our mission is to build an authentic community of men who love Christ, love one another and love their neighbor as themselves.” We are seeing that this love is a great attraction for the gospel.15 huddles are currently running weekly across greater Pittsburgh led by 10 different leaders or co-leaders. The average weekly attendance of men is 150. These men are being led to the Cross and they are being equipped through: the word, prayer, fellowship and service. Five of these weekly huddles are with men in prison.
One of our huddles meets with high school young people at Chartiers Valley (FCA) and another with business owners. That group is meeting in Homewood at 7800 Susquehanna Street and it is focused on racial reconciliation. These men are being challenged to cross racial boundaries and build friendships and collaborations that unite the body of Christ. The meeting place is very significant. In 2013, our board member Bill Krahe in responding to Christ’s call on his life in commercial real estate helped to lead Bridgeway Capital to acquire the 7800 Susquehanna Street building with the support of the Richard King Mellon Foundation. “The goal of the project is to repurpose an underutilized commercial asset into a platform for economic renewal in the Homewood community. As the tallest building in Homewood, this project represents reconciliation, economic recovery and has become a cultural hub of a revitalized community.”
Terry Brown’s Story
One of the most powerful examples of our impact in the world as “Locking Arms Men” is what our brother Terry Brown is doing leading three huddles each day as an inmate in a California penitentiary. One of them is done through a Spanish translator. Over 100 men each day are challenged with the gospel and being discipled through Terry’s leadership. Terry has lived out to these men what it means to lock arms and together they are building a spiritual fortress in the midst of great darkness. His men take great pleasure in knowing they are “locking arms” men and that they are prayed for daily; being connected by the Holy Spirit to our fellowship. Terry was a hungry disciple of Christ that we loved and helped to equip for a year prior to his arrest in June of 2016 on serious felony charges….
To read the whole newsletter please see the PDF: 4th Quarter LA Newsletter