Home > Events > Locking Arms, Del Rey Ministries & Fellowship of Christian Athletes- Boys Camp in San Pedro, Dominican Republic July 18-25

It was a blessed week for us all in the Dominican serving 60 boys from the sugar cane villages and their pastors. Our brother Kim Costanza led us in our time connecting the Del Rey team of pastors who brought their Haitian young men. We had an American leadership team (Led by Leo Wisniewski) that included seven men linking up with 6 full-time Dominican FCA staff guys (Led by Mike Shaheen) who served with us all week. Three ministries working together to exalt Christ and love kids. The FCA men in their twenties were a strategic gift from the Lord due to their ability to use sports (Instructing & playing with the kids) as a means for sharing the gospel with young people. Their love for the Lord and young people really came through as well. We had a special guest appearance, Steve Wisniewski, all the way from Austin, Texas with us for the week. Steve (13 year Oakland Raider Guard) led some of our devotions and “coached up” the boys all week.

The Spirit of God was moving powerfully in our sports activities, our worship (Led by a Haitian pastor Josui) & our teaching times (Shared among Kim, Leo, Steve and some of the FCA team). Sports activities included: ultimate frisbee, baseball, basketball, flag football, wiffle ball, softball and stick ball. Kim led each group in a construction project to make several sets of “Ladder Golf” for the pastors to bring back to the villages. Our movie (McFarland- Spanish version) followed by ice cream night was a big hit. Nothing could beat the look of joy on the boys faces enjoying the delicious Dominican meals we shared together. We received some great feedback from the boys and pastors, many expressing that they didn’t want to go home! The single greatest experience of the camp we heard shared was the strong fellowship bond of love created through our time together.

Special thanks go out to our team sponsor; Naren & Judy Gursahaney and to Geno & Chris Viviano. Their financial support helped us to provide a full week of meals, transportation, t-shirts, and leadership support for 60 boys.

Leo Wisniewksi is the Director of Locking Arms Men, a Pittsburgh based men’s ministry making disciples of men of all ages.