Home > International > Dominican Mission Trip Jan. 17-24

A small band of brothers with sons, daughters, and friends had a powerful week of service, worship, team-building, and fellowship in connection with Meeting God in Missions and Del Rey Ministries based in Hato Mayor, Dominican Republic. Completing a home for a Haitian woman named Maria and her five children in village #14 was a highlight for us. Seeing first hand the growth (meeting with the 10 Pastors) of the pastoral training center under Kim Costanza’s leadership along with Pastor Anna’s ministry in Vasca (Our adopted pastor/village) was a highlight as well.

Our group participated in several different projects in the sugar villages each day. These teams included: optical, dental, home construction & repair, and prayer walk-evangelism. Our guys and young people loved the Haitian villagers, the worship experience at area churches, and the new friendships made with our American team of 120 people.

Here are some pictures from the trip: