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Discipleship Huddles Launching

Jesus is sending all of his followers…his disciples, to make disciples of all nations and people groups (Matthew 28:18-20). Many in the church however see this “going out” to be for trained missionaries and full-time workers only. We believe the Bible is clear. Disciple making is for all Christians. And yet we must be equipped as Jesus’ disciples before we can reproduce by making disciples. Whether you are just starting out  to “come and see” what God has for you or you’ve been following Jesus for some time join us in one of our Discipleship (D) groups or micro-groups (3-4 men).  We have 9 D groups launching in various locations around Greater Pittsburgh. See the list below.  Groups of 3-4 just like Jesus’ inner circle of disciples has been proven to be the optimal group size for transformational growth. In these groups trust and transparency aided by the word of God and the Holy Spirit’s presence help to build strong friendships and a brotherhood that can last a lifetime.

Below is our 2024 Huddle List with contact information of our disciple makers and their area of the city. *Contact them for huddle locations and to get on their group list. There are 9 huddles listed below but we have 3 others meeting at The Washington County Jail. Please pray for our disciple makers so that 4th soil hearts (Sower & The Seed) will “hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.” Mark 4:20

Discipleship Huddles – Greater Pittsburgh

Jesus is sending all of his followers…his disciples, to make disciples of all nations and people groups (Matthew 28:18-20). Many in the church however see this “going out” to be for trained missionaries and full-time workers only. We believe the Bible is clear. Disciple making is for all Christians. “Our mission at Locking Arms is to equip men to love Jesus, love their neighbor, and make disciples.” Whether you are just starting out  to “come and see” who Christ is and how we are to respond to him or you’ve been following Jesus for some time, join us in one of our Discipleship groups.  We have 10 huddles meeting weekly in various locations around Greater Pittsburgh, plus two more in Washington County Jail not listed. See below. In these groups trust and transparency aided by the word of God and the Holy Spirit’s presence help to build strong friendships and a brotherhood as Jesus disciples that can last a lifetime.

Below is our current Huddle List with contact information of our disciple makers and their area of the city. *Contact them for huddle locations and to get on their group list. There are 9 huddles listed below but we have 2 others meeting at The Washington County Jail. Please pray for our disciple makers so that 4th soil hearts (Sower & The Seed) will “hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.” Mark 4:20

Discipleship Huddles – Updated 12/3/24

Monday Nights – New Kensington – Leadership Club

Meets: Valley Points Family YMCA

800 Constitution Blvd, New Kensington, PA 15068

Time: 6:00pm -7:30pm

The Main purpose of Leaders Club is to offer teens opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and service to others. They receive a free Monthly YMCA Membership.

They gain experience through volunteering, serve the community, strengthen their academic commitment and grow in their faith. In short, they become a role model for other kids and teens.

Neil Walker: (678) 923-6584, neilwalker7@gmail.com

Monday Nights – Carrick

This group meets Monday evenings from 6:00pm – 7:30pm at the YWAM center in Carrick. It is led by Phil Stinelli and Leo Wisniewski. Our mission is to equip men to love Jesus, love their neighbor and make disciples! To be successful at this mission we must build authentic Christian community in the Word of God where unconditional love, transparency and rigorous honesty are cultivated.

Location: YWAM Center, 1912 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15210

Email: leo@lockingarmsmen.org or cell (412) 445-8842. Phil’s email: phil52971@gmail.com or cell (412) 779-9194. All are welcome. Call or text to confirm your attendance!

Tuesday Mornings – North Side 

This group meets every Tuesday morning from 6:30am – 8:30am at Northgate Church. It is led by Leo Wisniewski and James Ransom. Our mission is to equip men to love Jesus, love their neighbor and make disciples! To be successful at this mission we must build authentic Christian community in the Word of God where unconditional love, transparency and rigorous honesty are cultivated. Schedule: Psalms & Prayer time is from 6:30am to 7:00am.  Fellowship, Teaching, Discussion and application time (7:00-8:30am)

Location: Northgate Church, 238 W. View Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15229

Park and enter the church to the far left side around back, lower level fellowship hall.

Email: leo@lockingarmsmen.org or cell (412) 445-8842 to get on the group list. Please feel welcome to join us at any point announced or unannounced!

Wednesday Nights – New Kensington

We currently meet on Wednesday evenings at 7pm and led by Neal Walker. The meeting place is in New Kensington at:  Humble Ministries, 805 Walnut St., New Kensington, PA 15068

Jesus taught that God’s commands from the Old Testament, i.e. all the law and the prophets, can be summarized in these two things: Love God and Love People.

Jesus also commanded us to make disciples and teach them to obey all that He commanded. Since making disciples includes teaching them all that Jesus commanded, the New Testament can be summarized in this one thing: Make Disciples. Therefore, a disciple is a follower of Jesus who loves God, loves people and makes disciples. We are currently using 2 sources for our group; “Learning to Live and Love like Jesus” by Brandon Cook  and an online training tool;  https://zume.training/

Contact Info: Neil Walker neilwalker7@gmail.com, cell: 678-923-6584.

Wednesday Nights – Bridgeville 

This group meets Wednesday Evenings from 6:30pm – 8:45pm in Bridgeville. We get started with pizza and fellowship time. We take about 90 minutes for prayer and teaching with discussion of God’s Word together. Our desire is to build an authentic expression of Christian community doing life together. Come and experience Christ’s love and kingdom teaching that unites the Old & New Testament with a humbled band of brothers. Bob Gilbert and Leo Wisniewski are co-leading this group.

Contact Leo to see if this group is right for you and for our weekly location. It varies between The Silko offices at the Abele Business Park or 6307 Oyster Bay Court, Bridgeville PA 15017.

Email: leo@lockingarmsmen.org or cell (412) 445-8842.

Wednesday Nights – Churchill

We have an every other Wednesday night huddle in the east side of Pittsburgh.  We would welcome anyone looking to connect with a group of men in a sincere desire to share their hearts and grow their faith.  Our huddle does a Christian writers’ book study that promotes discussion. This leads to a deeper understanding and strengthening of our walk with Christ. We encourage each other to dig deeper in our faith.   We began a new book 11/20, The Forgotten God, by Francis Chan. We begin at 7pm and go to 8:15p.m.  We will always meet at my house at 2240 Harmain Road. Pittsburgh, PA15235.  Please contact me, Dario Donatelli, in advance to get on our email list.  My email is: Dariodonatelli59@gmail.com or 412-956-9942.

Wednesday Night Huddle Alternating – Point Breeze

At our every other Wednesday night huddle in the Point Breeze section of Pittsburgh (between Squirrel Hill and East Liberty), we take a “chapter by chapter” study of various books of the Bible.  We welcome men seeking a better understanding of the His Word in an open forum of prayer and discussion.  We consider ourselves as sinners that are redeemed by the loving grace of Jesus and Him crucified.  If you are looking to deepen that relationship with Jesus Christ, we welcome you to our huddle and look forward to walking on the narrow path together. We meet on alternating Wednesday nights so you’ll need to contact me for our meeting dates.  

Our meetings run from 7:00pm to 8:15pm.  We can only draw closer through His grace in our hearts. It is in our community of brothers that we often find the power of the Holy Spirit’s promise of His presence when we are together. We meet at my house at 419 S. Murtland Street, Pittsburgh PA 15208.  Joe Goldcamp is the leader. Email: jpgoldcamp@gmail.com or call me 724-630-0763.

Wednesday Nights – New Kensington

We currently meet on Wednesday evenings at 7pm and led by Neal Walker. The meeting place is in New Kensington at:  Humble Ministries, 805 Walnut St., New Kensington, PA 15068

Jesus taught that God’s commands from the Old Testament, i.e. all the law and the prophets, can be summarized in these two things: Love God and Love People.

Jesus also commanded us to make disciples and teach them to obey all that He commanded. Since making disciples includes teaching them all that Jesus commanded, the New Testament can be summarized in this one thing: Make Disciples. Therefore, a disciple is a follower of Jesus who loves God, loves people and makes disciples. We are currently using 2 sources for our group; “Learning to Live and Love like Jesus” by Brandon Cook  and an online training tool;  https://zume.training/

Contact Info: Neil Walker neilwalker7@gmail.com, cell: 678-923-6584.

Thursday Mornings – Peter’s Township  

We meet from 6:30am – 8:00am at Panera’s in Waterdam Plaza. We encourage and challenge men to become disciples of Christ through ministry , fellowship and prayer. We spend time discerning and unpacking the scripture so that brothers can apply it in their lives and ministry efforts.  This platform allows us to help brothers progress through the four chairs of discipleship, and thus fulfill the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations. All are welcome.

Panera Bread, 4127 Washington Road, Canonsburg, PA 15317  

Eric’s email: eagregory1@yahoo.com or cell (412) 389-3064

Thursday Nights – South Park & Eighty Four

Jim Sed and Jim Buchanan co-lead this group. We meet at 6:00 pm every Thursday in either Eighty-Four (think Peters Township), or in South Park. There is always a filling dinner at 6:00pm, then study time. The fruit has started to be borne in new attendees, dedications to Christ, baptism at our huddles, and the normalcy of just loving and inviting people into the kingdom with whatever platform you have. It beats bible bashing any day. We average 8-12 men with over 20 at times. Contact us for our meeting location as it varies from week to week!  Contact info: 

Jim Buchanan (412) 841-2788, email: jim@buchananremodeling.com, Jim Sed (412) 708-8442

Friday Mornings – Oakmont Discipleship

This group meets on Friday mornings 7:00am – 8:15am. It is led by Bob Roth. We meet to read and discuss God’s word, to heal, to build up, and to equip one another as disciples of Christ. You are also invited to breakfast at a nearby local restaurant right after the Bible study for food and fellowship in a casual setting. Contact Bob to get on our group text. 

Bob’s email: rothautomotive@gmail.com or his cell (412) 225-0637.

Address: Riverside Community Church

300 Allegheny Ave, Oakmont, PA 15139